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    Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    Omg, so many people's birthday falls on September.

    Was extremely pissed after school when i went to the art room -.-

    Accompined Ruben and Lukus to have their lunch.
    Met up with Andreas & co. after that to the art room
    to do our coursework.
    Left around 7pm, and my art work has yet to complete ._.
    Gonna stay back on Thursday and Friday to complete.
    Art is pretty hectic for me :(

    Physics test tomorrow, and i doubt i will have any time to revise!
    Cause, i'm way too tired alr! Shall hit the sack now.

    Oh yah, been crying a lot lately because of the
    show Serina recommended me to watch :(

    Cheeeeeers Carbon ^^

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