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    Wednesday, January 21, 2009

    I'm not gonna elaborate about my days @ dairy farm, cause i ain't
    interested. Its sucha wasted trip there. Shouldn't have gone there in
    the first place tho. Wasted my $90. (Even though its paid by edusave) Hehe.

    To my dearest Serina! :D Heyheyhey!

    Honehhhhhh, honeh, honehnehneh! Hunt-neyyyyyyy.

    I wanna make you go nana.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes lah, i'm finally back from that dont

    know what shitttsxzxz camp mans! , and now that i'm finally back, i

    gonna get my goal set! Remember our agreement? I dont want to

    regret till then. So yeah, gonna aim for it.

    I bet at this time right now you've started burning your midnight oil

    studying :D I can read your mind want k!

    I've got lots of stuff to share with you okkkkkk!

    Watching everyday that goes by, i miss you. You are the apple of my eye.

    HEHE! You must be honoured yeah?

    There's something which i dont understand about you :/ HAHA.

    I'm really impressed by your acting skill you know.

    Your acting skill is great, its beyond my expection. HA. Why not

    you go mediacorp instead always putting on an act infront of me? :)


    Days seems hell gosh boring without your presence.

    Will be meeting you tomorrow for shopping! Yes lah. Your cold cold

    jokes. LOL.

    Coldest joke ever! I bet those who listen to your jokes

    will be freeze

    to death. Haha. But too bad, i ain't interested in your jokes.

    Eh bitch, my post about you is longer than yours about me ok!

    Yayness! You better write my another want :/ Haha.

    43 53638332 936382!

    (decipher it yourselves)

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