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    Monday, January 11, 2010

    And many other old entries which made me cannot stop laughing.

    This was what she wrote to me in year 2008. Hahahahaha.

    "Felicia Koh Sze Min:

    We have know each other for 7 years! 2555 days. 61320 hours. (Roughly about there.)
    We were like in the same class in primary 2!
    I could still remember how I found out you're staying a
    few houses away from mine!
    I was cycling with my TWO WHEELED bicycle,
    and I saw you learning how to ride one. (So slow, I alrd know how to cycle with it alrd, you just started learning it. Hahahaha!)
    From that day onwards, we kept meeting each other
    at the playground nearby at 6pm! We will play catching,
    cycle around, building sandcastles, digging a huge hole
    until we could see the bricks underneath,and more.
    Yes yes, I couldn't remember why we and Evan
    will become like enemies. (But we're friends now alrd lah!)
    Water bombs w/ special ingredient in it (Haha!) There was a period of time where we weren't so close, and one day, your mom called me and ask me whether I want go see the dog you all just bought. (Haha,) So I went (:
    There's lots more to be said, I didn't type it out because
    You and I know can alrd.
    Hope we will remain like this forever okay?
    And, remember the marry thing! If we lost contact, or drifted, you better remember to invite me. You know why I want go your wedding not?
    To see how buang your future husband will be (: Will it be William Hung, or Rain Chang? I think Rain Chang stands a better chance.
    Last of all, I love you Felicia! You're the one who always make all of us laugh. I can't imagine how my life will be w/o you. Xoxo, "

    Reminisce the good old days! Haha.
    I swear during the past we've got lots of fun playing together,
    doing those stupid things which no one at that age will be
    doing it (Charmaine, you know i know can alr). HAHAHA.
    Hehe, glad that our friendship still remain tho sometimes
    we really do qurrel like the world's going to end, but we will
    end up laughing after awhile, or rather, laugh while qurreling! Haha.

    What a wordyyyy post!!!!
    School in another few more hours, but i can't get to sleeeeeeep :(

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