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    Thursday, November 12, 2009

    H8 to wake up in the late afternoon, realising half of the
    day is gone!!! Sounds familiar eh? Haha.

    Went over to Serina's place! <-- should not have promise her yesterday
    that i'll meet her over her house estate there.
    Bought PD's waffles :D Ok, Charmaine, Serina and i has been eating this consecutively for three days alr.
    Took cab over to Charmaine's house after that, cause Serina needs to get something.

    Left, and took bus 855 to Vivo! 1hour bus ride ._. Photobucket

    Went to have our dinner settled @ KimGary restaurant ^^ Photobucket
    Haha, she was looking for the pork rib's bone! And assumed
    that the bone has gone into her stomach.
    This girl ah, always make me laugh only!!!!!

    Walked around before heading to Orchard.
    At first, we thought that it would also be a wasted trip going
    to town, but who knows... ^^

    Indeed a fruitful day today! ^^

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