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    Wednesday, September 2, 2009

    Got caught for colour socks today, Jiajia too.
    Poor us!
    After school, headed over to Jiajia's house for
    baking. Laugh our lungs out, lazy to eleborate much.
    Jiajia's so brave lah.
    Went Fairprice to get five pair of white socks -.-
    Cause i doubt i have any of that colour at home.

    Charmaine and Serina been asking me to go Genting few days
    back with them this coming sept holiday, but i did not agree!
    They called me today and comfirm again, but i rejected
    as well.

    On the same day today, mum and dad called me
    and ask if i want to go Genting.
    Did not agree, but my mum kept bugging
    on me the moment i reached home, no choice, but to agree.
    SUCHA COINCIDENCE LAH! Cause Charmaine's
    mum is booking the tickets today, and
    dad's also booking the tickets today as well. Lol.
    But we are leaving one day earlier than them,
    but coming back on the same day ^^

    Am so excited!
    Conference with Serina and Amelia earlier on
    bout our plan ^^
    So i asked them to meet me on Monday night
    @ Genting, Gogo Frank there. HAHAHA.
    Funny or what?

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