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    Saturday, August 1, 2009


    Serina came my house after school today.
    On the line with her till late night
    for the past few days lor :( She dont let
    me hang.

    Met up with Jiajia after that.
    As usual, went Chinatown! Had small drangon bao ^^
    Not forgetting, Tricyeinny! At least i managed to
    get something from there.


    Town, met up with ChengChuan.

    Headed back to Amk, caught the show 'Hangover'.
    OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow dont
    really like that show.

    Saw Aphrime & co. after our show ended.
    Haha, so took bus together with Aphrime and Lz.

    Steamboat tomorrow @ Charmaine's house.
    And outing with lovelies.

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