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    Wednesday, August 12, 2009

    Fucked up day in school!
    ZZZ! Please bloody change the childish attitude
    of yours -.-
    Fucking fuck, fuck off.

    Thanks Jiajia for those comfort and those
    things which you helped me to copy during
    physics lesson today! :) Love you k.
    Sucha dearie. Hahaha.
    Got full marks for Physics test, Jiajia too!

    Oh yah, i did something super embarrassed yesterday.
    Which made me super ps!!!!!
    Dont even dare tell anyone bout this matter,
    except Serina. Hahahahaha.
    She even laugh at my embarrassment when she
    woke in the middle of the night lah!
    Funny or what? Hahahahahaha.
    Eh, think i got influenced by Serina alr for being so emotional,
    tend to cry easily these days.

    Friends around me are getting more and more
    emotional these days too, why? :(

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