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    Thursday, July 2, 2009

    Today's VE lesson was damn interesting,
    though i thought that it would be a lesson that
    we will be slacking through out. Jiajia and i
    were enthu in answering those questions.

    Jiajia is crazy over dota, and even ask those people
    who played dota in our class to teach her lor.
    Haha, got influence by her! Lol.
    Jiajia and i will be learning from Quan, i guess?
    When i know how to play alr i will triple Q you guys!
    (Quote this sentence from Jiajia's blog! And i
    cant bloody control my laughter while on the line
    with her. HAHAHA)

    Anyway, went PSML today again after school to get
    my favourite :) Jiajia too.
    Saw Dota classmates as well. LOL.

    Parents+bro+grandama are leaving to Genting tomorrow.
    Tmd, need to go school by myself early in the morning.
    Hehe, but i'm meeting Jiajia for breakfast before heading
    to school.

    Finally meeting up with Serina tomorrow!
    Charmaine too, perhaps?

    1 comment:

    Cynthia said...