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    Friday, June 12, 2009

    Was on the line with someone till late night/early morning
    before turning in yesterday.
    Someone whom i always chat with..
    Someone whom i always message with..
    Someone whom i always tease with..
    Someone whom i always hang out with..
    Someone whom i can share everything with..
    Ok, just someone whom i'm close to..

    The only one who makes my day, everyday, that's what
    i can say.
    I find you unique, which is a very good thing, i guess? Haha.

    You are the only one whom i can share everything with,
    everything, be it friendship problem which i face,
    or things which has been kept in my heart for long,
    when i have no one to share with except you.
    Take yesterday as an example, i actually kept this
    matter for quit sometime, and there's no one whom
    i can share with/talk to... , except you.
    Thanks luv. Thanks for your listening ears!

    I'm sure you will defintely be reading this post..
    I'm sure that you will be giving me a call later..
    I'm sure that you will burst into laughter upon
    reading this ..

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