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    Monday, June 15, 2009


    Finally managed get to meet up with Jiajia, bf! :D
    Woke up at 9am + today ok, despite me sleeping late
    at night the day before ._.
    Went market for our breakfast.

    Went up to her place after!
    Then to Amkhub to change my lenses.

    Then home home home!
    Prepared, and headed down to town.
    Woohoo~ Managed to get myself a bag today.
    Jiajia and i just realised that both of us have
    the same taste :)

    Met up with Jiajia's working colleges at Bugis next.
    Haha, met new friends. Alan (her boss), Rachel, Jolin,
    Jonathan, Keith, and there's one more girl which
    i've forgotten her name x.x

    Her boss drove us to Outram, went to one of the pub there
    for a drink..



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