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    Wednesday, June 17, 2009

    Ok,the time now is 0145!

    Serina, yayaya! I'm the one who always made your day ok :D
    Oh ya, i've forgotten to mention something damn hilarious
    in my previous post about Serina.
    Cause yesterday while we were waiting for cab to go
    ClarkQuay, we were talking about someone who always
    have different hairstyle.
    And Serina actually went to tie her hair sideway, laughing
    to herself.

    When we went in the cab, she turned and looked at me -.-
    And asked me if she's cute in that hairstyle.
    And in the end, while she was closing the door,
    her hair got kiap by the door. We all kept laughing non stop.
    Whenever one of us mention bout this matter, we
    will be laughing to ourselves! Lad only.


    Anyway, suppose to reach office by 2pm today, in the end,
    Serina, Charmaine and i reached nearly 3!
    Tmd, trainer : Serina and Charmaine. LAD.
    Lionel, Shihao and Adam were there too.


    Intro them the fondue opposite Golden Mile.

    Went Bugis after, then Iluma.
    Photobucket Photobucket

    Bought this super chio lip gloss! :D LOL.
    Got like Pepsi, chewy gums, Skittles these type of flavors one!
    like cute only. Bought one backpack too :)

    Went Champion around 7plus, and we dragged Lionel to AMKhub
    together with us to watch movie ._.

    Bought tickets for Monster VS Alien 3D, 9.50pm.
    Thought how nice the show was, in the end...
    Kinda boring.
    Serina damn violent inside the theatre lor.


    Okok, i'm now on the line with Serina.
    And all the vulgarity are coming out of her mouth.
    She's too cute for anything.

    Everytime see me laugh laugh laugh.
    Yesterday her hair kena kiap by the taxi door alr still
    not enough, today dance cha cha at AMKhub till
    fall down. Fuuny or what?
    Charmaine also another one lor, dance solo cha cha
    at Bugis till fall down. HAHAHA!
    Serina told me she need to go to the temple and pray pray alr.

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