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    Sunday, May 31, 2009

    Time check: 0205!

    Got woken up by Serina's call when i just off my comp not long ago ._.
    If not, by now, i will be in my beautiful dreamland alr.

    Both of them are really LAD!*
    Life w/o thses two jokers (C&S) will be hell gosh boring, i swear.
    Cause i remember telling this to Serina,
    " Eh, really lor, there's no one i can talk to in this kind of tone*
    (heehe!) talking with the both of you is really very funny.
    And no one has ever talk to me like the way you all do,
    and same goes to me, like how i use to respond the both of you."

    Cab down to Wisma around evening time.
    Met up with Lionel & co. after that at Cine.
    Charmaine and Serina both bought themselves a
    Addidas jacket, and me, being a filial child, i bought
    one for my papa! ^^

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