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    Friday, January 2, 2009


    Woke up, and i found out that i've got a horrendous mouth
    ulcer ): Seriously, its damn painful.
    Mum asked me not to attend school today due to the ulcer,
    but i insisted, because its the first day of school ):

    Met up with Jiajia and Xueting in school.
    They also said that this is the first time they saw this kind
    of ulcer. Can you imagine!? )))))))))):
    Alright, chatted with them a lot, Joleen too :) Haha.
    Time really flies today in school, enjoyed!

    Went hub together with Xueting and Jiajia awhile, and off
    to meet Serina and Seokyee @ j8.
    Later, Charmiane, Amelia and Shingying came, followed by
    Zhenjie, Royce and gaoyi.
    Amelia and Shingying left.
    Headed to amkhub, bought movie tickets for the show
    Lady Cop Papa Crook.

    Yiliang & co. came after, and join us for the movie.

    The show was (*&^%%#@!
    All thanks to my dearest Charmaine, she intro us to this show. HAHAHA.
    0/17 of us understand the story okkkk.
    Charmaine, Serina, Seokyee and i left them, headed to
    block 347 for otah :)
    Home around 7+ !

    SERINA HOW SPIDERMAN! Take this, _l_ .
    My nose hurts like nana banana now, all thanks to your
    sweet action.
    And you actually said that i'm lying.
    I'm utterly disappointed in you. HAHAHA!
    Nevermind, i will take revenge on you back for sure.

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